8 Powerful Words To Use In Your Marketing

Feb 27, 2021

When crafting your marketing messages it's important to think about the specific words you use to keep the reader engaged. While I always recommend maintaining a conversational tone to make it feel more human, there are certain words you can use that'll help the copywriting process, while also increasing conversion rates towards whatever you're aiming to achieve.

#1 You

Make it all about the customer. Don't talk about your product. Talk about how you're going to solve the customer's pain points and challenges.

#2 Because

Show them WHY they need it. Further to #1, you need to tell the right story that your customer can relate to so they can understand and feel why they need what you're offering.


Because who can resist a freebie? Customers are happy to pull out their wallets, but before they do, make sure you offer plenty of FREE value.

*Note: avoid using FREE in your email subject lines, though :)

#4 Secret

Everyone wants a special tip or hack. Attention spans have become increasingly short, thanks to the advancements and speed of technology. That's why if there is a tip, hack, or secret you can share to help your reader or viewer, you should present it.

#5 Limited Time

Scarcity creates a sense of urgency. Use timers and end dates, but be honest when using them. Otherwise, just use scarcity words to help your message, like "Don't miss out!", "Last chance!", "Limited time", or "Time is running out!".

#6 Easy

No one wants to deal with a hassle. Make your instructions and the process as easy as possible.

#7 Risk-Free

They must feel secure giving their money. Give customers things like a 30-day risk-free guarantee or some other way that minimises any potential loss the customer could face by forking out money.

Also, ensure your e-commerce setup is safe and secure to build trust. If you're looking for a secure checkout solution, check out this platform - it's FREE.

#8 Instantly

Promise a quick payoff of money. Deliver on your promises immediately. If anything, under-promise and over-deliver. It'll leave your customer's happier than over-promising and under-delivering.