6 Essential Freelancer Lessons That'll Save You...Big-Time!

Jan 12, 2021

Freelancing is tough.

Clients that ask for edits and changes. Invoices that don’t get paid. The struggle to create a flow of new businesses asking for your services.

It ain’t easy… But you can save time and headaches by learning from people who already went through the storm, like this thread shared by Duane Brown. He shared everything he learned over the last four years going from one to a six-person team.

Here’s what he suggests to freelancers in the trenches.

  1. The value you deliver must exceed the cost you charge. The higher the value, the more someone will feel like they got a “deal”.
  2. Don’t sell your services by the hour. The better you get at doing a job, the fewer hours it will take. A flat project rate is better because the more efficient you become, the more money you make in the same amount of time.
  3. If every prospect is saying yes to your proposals, it means your prices are too low. Raise them by at least 20%.
  4. If someone wants a lower price, then you can ask to reduce scope or remove something from the project to meet that price. Don't just do the same work for a lower price.
  5. Do net 15 days on invoices. And send an invoice on the day you start a project. Don't delay doing it. The longer you take to invoice, the longer it takes to get paid.
  6. Never let a client get 2 invoices past due with you. This can lead to many issues: You’ll never get the money, they’ll be late on every invoice, or they hold it over you and treat you poorly.

It’s about finding the balance between being honest with your clients and delivering the best work you can. But at the same time, make sure to be assertive and get paid (on time) for the value you’re delivering.

These insightful tidbits of information were discovered through one of my favourite email newsletters that I subscribe to. Check it out for yourself at