5 Tips On How To Create Content & How To Promote It

Jul 15, 2022

When entering the blogosphere it can be daunting to know what content to write about.

Heck! I get stuck all the time.

Don't worry! It's totally natural.

The good news is, it doesn't have to be that way.

Follow these steps to discover an endless supply of content ideas at your fingertips.

Plus, I'll share a few excellent ways to promote that content to boost your reach, increase your domain authority, and start being seen by more eyeballs than Leela...

So let's get to it...

Step 1: Go to

Head to and then type in the topic you are interested in writing about. Let's say...hmmm.... NFTs πŸ˜‰

Now press that shiny orange Search button and wait for content ideas to flood in.

What this site does is takes your query and tack it onto all the various popular search phrases about it. This means it is telling you what people are already searching the answers for and now all you have to do is create it.*

*and promote it, of course.

A close-up view...

Step 2: Contribute to Question Hub by Google

I would consider this a Quora alternative, but since it's Google-owned, it's worth taking note of because whatever Google owns will receive greater priority in search results.

Head to:

Here's how it works:

1) Google Search organizes information to find the most relevant, useful results for each user’s search.

2) Google Question Hub then collects unanswered questions directly from users to identify content gaps online.

3) Creators like you can then use these insights to create better content for your audience.

4) Finally, once it’s online, this better, richer content can benefit everyone.

Again, since Google owns this relatively-new platform, creators like you have the opportunity to capitalise on all those questions that have yet to have been answered. If you do, then Google will treat your input as authoritative and show your content to more people in natural search results.

If you have already created your content from Step 1 above, then you're at an advantage because now you can use that content to answer the questions on Question Hub.

Step 3: Contribute to Quora

Whether it's asking and answering your own questions or answering other users' questions, Quora is the place to be for this.

Why is this important? Well, if you are the expert in NFTs, then your input will potentially be seen by thousands of people who are seeking the answers you hold. This means, you'll get recognised, your blog (if linked in the answers you provide) will attract more visitors, and then everyone is happy πŸ˜€.

Go to:

OK, what else?

Step 4: Submit your article to (if it's marketing-related)

So this step might not be for everyone, but it should give you an idea of the various ways in which you can push your content out there.

Head over to and submit your blog link to the service (for free) and your content should start showing up on many users' Chrome homepage. I've used it for some of my own marketing blog posts and I have definitely seen a spike in traffic from that source.

Step 5: Republish your blog to medium

As the title says, head to, create an account and republish your blog article here. Try not to just copy and paste. Adjust the content a little, so it looks unique.

Then try to mention some of your other blog articles in that post, thus creating a backlink to your website and thus, growing your website's domain authority, which consequently helps you to appear higher in Google search results.

Step 5: Summarise and create a Twitter thread

Good. Grand. Great! You have made it this far!!

Now, head to your Twitter account and craft a juicy little Twitter thread that summarises your blog article, and include a link to your blog post in the last Tweet of that thread.

Someone who does this well in the Twittersphere is my good friend @missmoonx2nd

Let's recap on the 5 Tips On How To Create Content & How To Promote It:

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Contribute to Question Hub by Google

Step 3: Contribute to Quora

Step 4: Submit your article to (if it's marketing-related)

Step 5: Summarise and create a Twitter thread


It's always a good idea to summarise what your blog post covered, at the end of the blog post. Just like how I did here ☝️. It's useful for two reasons:

1) It helps reconfirm what the reader has just consumed

2) Google likes it because it makes it easier for its users to find their answers in search results. In other words, it's good for SEO and helps boost your page rank on Google.

3) Now this becomes a ready-to-go Twitter Thread πŸ˜‰


Thanks for reading. I'd love it if you could share this post or head to my Twitter Thread above and give it some love β™₯️.

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Check out 12 Facts You Need To Know About NFTs As A Beginner